Tuesday, February 28

Colossaly Bad Support

Ok, the majority of our customers have Symantec Anti Virus Corporate Edition, and if they have an Exchagne Server, they have the SMSME to go with the AV.

They all buy Gold support contracts which come with free phone support. Only one catch: You have to fill out a web form, and they can take up to 24 hours to supply you with the support phone number.

I've done that, now I've called the main phone number to try and get the right number for the support the customer is payig for so that I can get a server installation fixed today, not tomorrow.

McAfee's support was never this bad when I used to install their software at the last job. Maybe it is time for a change here.

Contact Technical Support


Tuesday, February 21

New Hot Geek Thing

Just remember you saw it here first!

Woot! - One Item - One Day - One Deal

Then it goes away.

Woot : One Day, One Deal


Monday, February 20

Stupid Question

Ok, why when I order a printer that uses USB and requires a USB cable to function, I do not get a USB cable shipped in the box with the printer?

And why, when I get a big LCD Display with a USB Hub built into the display, that no one will ever use, does it come with a USB cable?

Saturday, February 18

Chief Of Houston PD Insane

Wow, I moved out of Houston proper to the suburbs about eight years ago, and I've never looked back or regretted it one bit.

Harold Hurt wants to put video cameras in peoples houses. Says if you are doing nothing wrong, you shouldn't care.

Yeah, right. He is one scary son of a bitch.

Houston eyes cameras at apartment complexes

Saturday, February 4

Step 2: Read The Directions


2 Bedroom Apartment $580.00
18 Cans of Bug Bomb $144.00

Having a bug free apartment becuase you blew it apart with insecticide: Pricele$$


Number of people who will never get their time back from reading this page: