Friday, January 13

Aspiring to be Number One

According to a report by some pansies up in Washington DC have published a list of cities that are "Meanest" to homeless people.

I have to say that I am very dissapointed in Houston coming in Seventh. I say if we work hard, we can be First next time! None of this crap of letting some backwater town like Sarasota, Florida beat us out of a great honor like this.

I say we first start by handing out new T-shirts out to all of our residents.

Next, we get all the Katrina Evacuees out of our town. The murder rate has skyrocketed since they got here, and most of them are not seeking jobs. Lets get them the hell out of here before they all get evicted from their rent-free apartments in August or September.

Next, I'm calling for summary executions of panhandlers at street corners. These guys stumble drunk into traffic asking for money. They reek, I can frequently smell theim in my car with all the windows rolled up and the AC turned off. I don't need a stinky ass drunk sticking his head, hands and other body parts into my car begging for money. Get a job you worthless lay-about.

Houston, we're Number 7, but with a little work, we can be Number 1!

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