Thursday, September 22

Good Morning

Good Morning, Good Morning, Life.

(Ok, again, my life is not really a Beatles song.)

First day I can sleep late in a month, and I wake up at 7:30 AM.


Turn on the news. Evacuating is a joke right now, the traffic is so thick that folks have been driving all night and haven't even left the city.

Went outside to assess which neighbors are still here, and which ones are leaving.

I've come to the conclusion that my neighbors are idiots. Looks like a bunch of them left town and didn't bother to pick up things like their garden hoses, patio furniture, etc. out in the yard. Shit, I'll go collect that shit up later in the day I guess to keep my stuff from getting fucked up in the storm.

Cell phones have been useless since yesterday. The normal land line phones are also not too reliable, they are so flodded that it is difficult to get through, and if you do get through, you might get cut off mid sentance while talking.

Ok, I'm off to collect up my shit around the yard to get ready for this thing. Looks like I might be sitting out a Category 4 storm. Still make a decision tomorrow morning about wether to stay or go.

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