Friday, February 4

Stupid Controversy Of The Day

Ok, on the news this morning, this was the big news. A Marine General who likes killing people, and says, "it's fun to shoot some people."

Well, duh.

Come on, this guys job is to kill people. What's wrong with loving your job? Has anyone ever watched some of the old World War II movies? Those guys are having fun shooting and bombing Japs, Krauts and all the other bad guys. Sure, war is hell, but even in one of the best, most realistic war movies ever, "Saving Private Ryan", you see the exuberance when someone kills the enemy.

America: Quit being a buch of fucking pansies. War is nasty. That's why we have an Army / Air Force / Marines / Navy / Coast Guard to do the fighting for us. If it was fun for everyone, we would do it ourselves. But it's not my cup of tea to head out and kill the enemy. People, both ours and theirs will die in the conflict. If our guys have fun killing their guys, that's ok. I'm sure the ones killing our guys did stop and think, "Wow, I'm wrong for enjoying this." Quite the contrary, I think they did their thing and celebrated as well.

And if you think this war is bad, that there are too many civilian casualties, or too many casualties on our side, try reading some stuff on the end of World War II where we rolled through Germany firebombing ever city we came across.

And feel a little happy every time we kill another enemy, they would have killed us given the chance.

ABC News: Marine General Says Shooting Some Is 'Fun'

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