Wednesday, February 9

Another stupid question, another simple answer...

Quoted from the story linked below, where a 13 year old stole a car, ran from police and then started ramming their car with the stolen car. He was shot and killed during this.

"Carmen Dorsey, who stopped by an impromptu memorial at the site where the teen died. "Why do they have to shoot to kill?'' "

Here is the honest truth. Police do not shoot to kill. They shoot for body mass. The first target is the upper torso. Second target is lower torso. They shoot to stop a suspect from doing what they are doing. The primary idea in shooting is to take down the target, not kill the target. Think of the killing as being a secondary thing that happens sometimes. They shoot to protect themselves from suspects that are trying to do them bodily harm. They shoot because they have wives, husbands, children, girlfriends, parents, brothers and sisters who they want to see later on in their lives.

Here is a better question. "Why did the 13 year olds mother or father not teach him that stealing cars is wrong?" Or, "Running from the police after you have been caught in a stolen car will only make things worse." Or, "Don't do things that threaten the people with the guns when you've screwed up, stolen a car and run from them, or you will possibly get shot and killed."

Instead of blaming the police for the kid being dead, blame the kid. He instigated the actions that directly led to his death. He made the choices, he paid the consequences. However, there will be lasting effects for the officer or officers that did the shooting. The activists never mention that. Even though they acted properly, the officers will know till their end that they had to kill a 13 year old boy that was not raised properly by his parents.

Hmm... Maybe the officers should sue the partents for emotional trauma.

LA Police News

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