Thursday, November 11

Updated The DVD Collection

Added a few more DVD's recently. Got some great $.50 DVDs at Target for Halloween. Then Best Buy had $2.00 off all regular titles today through Saturday with your silly Rewards card.


Damn, man! That's one serious collection!

Me, I have a grand total of 13 DVDs. Whoopty frickin' do. If you ever want to just dump off some of yours because you've seen them too many times, let me know! ;)

In 1997 I got my first DVD player and dicided to start avoiding the theater. For the most part, with two adults, it is cheper to buy the DVD than to buy a movie ticket. Plus in the early days it was easy to get a lot of freebies and stuff when the studios were all launching the format.

Now we just go see the stuff at the theater that we think will look better on the big screen.

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