Saturday, November 27

Signed up for the no call list?

It might be doing you less good in the near future, as the FTC has decided that even though you signed up for the "No Call List", that you might actually want some pre-recorded marketing calls. You don't you say?

Then fill out their form linked below.

Here is what I had to say:

Why whould you let people call me with prerecorded messages after I have signed up to be on the NO CALL LIST.

No - meaning none, nil, nada, zero, or lack therefore.

Call - meaing on my phone, for which I have paid the bill and feel that I should have some right to tell marketers not to call me.

List - A list usually indicates one or more like items. In this case, taxpayers that don't want to be called with marketing offers.

Which part of that is difficult to understand?

Federal Trade Commission - Comment Form

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