Wednesday, January 7

The Dren replies to other people's mail:

From the Houston Chronicle, January 7, 2003 editorial section:

Marriage not a car sale
Who is doing more to destroy the sanctity of marriage? Britney Spears, with an oops and a giggle, annulling her hours-old marriage to a childhood sweetheart or a gay couple whose relationship has stood the test of time and who want the legal and emotional comforts of a permanent commitment set down on paper?

We make marriage sacred by the way we treat each union -- whether it be between a man and a woman or between two people of the same sex.

Allowing a couple to marry and divorce as easily as they might buy and sell a car is not upholding the sanctity of marriage.

Any couple -- gay or straight -- should be required to have premarital counseling, and a waiting period before marriage or divorce should be mandatory.

Polly Barnes Coleman,
The Woodlands

The Dren Replies:

Dear Polly,

You are exactally correct. But instead of a waiting period, there should be an IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient) test before you get married. If you are not smart enough to figure shit out, or emotionally stable enough to deal with another person's shit all the time, then you should not be allowed to be married.

As for the waiting period to get divorced, I can see where this could be good in some situations, but really bad in others. For a couple with kids and a long history, counseling and being sure this is the right thing to do is probably the proper path, but in other cases, a waiting period can just exacerbate (make worse) the existing problems. A good example: My frist wife - Two adults, 31 years old, filed the paperwork in Brazoria County, Texas, no children, property settlement complete, not living together. We had to wait the requisite 60 days here in Texas. What for? I have no idea, but I was worried, this is a community property state, and as long as we were married, if that psycho bitch went out and opened a bunch of credit accounts, I would be responsible for 50% of her debt. Not a good thing. Not to mention when one party is psycho and prone to violence. The sooner you get away from a psycho, the better.

As for Brittney, any guy would be stupid not to marry her, given the chance, hope Jason Alexander at least got some $$ for his 55 hours of marriage.

As for gays getting married, I've got a lesbian couple two doors down that has been together for over 5 years, are the best neighbors, and a lot of fun for me and the wife to hang out with. Wouldn't have a problem with them being married. Pretty much looks like they are now, but they don't have the freakin marriage penalty with their taxes each year.

-The Dren

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