Tuesday, August 5

They're at it again....

Seems those Peace Loving Muslims are at it again. Blew up a Marriot Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia this time. I've got friends with family there, hope that they are all right. Can't belive that these assholes think that blowing up people like this is advancing their cause. It's about time we started building Neutron Bombs to cleanse the Middle East. Maybe the realization that we can kill you, then live in your house and drive your car/tractor/buggy without much more than a crime scene cleanup will get it through their heads that this is not a good way to behave.

Reading about this reminded me of their last target there, a night club. One of my favorite writers here, Ken Hoffman, wrote a great piece about his brother-in-law, who was my age, that was killed in the Bali bombing. Good reading, should be handed to every one of these terrorist bastards.

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